Monday, October 27, 2008

Hands of Heaven

Missionaries are doing the work of our Heavenly Father, acting as Hands of Heaven.

Dear Family

We had a baptism yesterday.... Bjoern.... It was wonderful....He gave a well prepared testimony. The Spirit was strong and sweet.We also had a baptism last week. Our missionaries are in overdrive as they are diligent and persistent in their efforts to share the gospel. We are so impressed with them. The Lord loves his missionaries.......I hope you all are one way or another... and you are........I love and miss you all. Just know you are ALWAYS in our thoughts and PRAYERS. We feel Heavenly Fathers love for you and only want the best. Be Happy and have a wonderful day..

I have been reading a book recently about the Church in the German Democratic Republic,or as the Germans refer to it the GDR days. Thomas S Monson was assigned to supervise the work of the Church in East Germany, at the time the Communist ruled. East German citizens were not allowed to leave their country without special permission from the government and it was seldom granted. Church meetings were watched and monitored by the secret police. The feeling here in Germany was one of overwhelming oppression. He shares his first meeting with the German Saints in Dresden District----"A marvelous spirit prevailed. My, how the German Saints can sing the hymns of Zion. ( it hasn't changed that is one of the first things i noticed as well) He then shares one song in particular that touched his heart.

If the way be full of trial, Weary not!If it's one of sore denial, Weary not!If it now be one of weeping,There will come a joyous greeting,When the harvest we are reaping---Weary not!Do not weary by the way,Whatever be thy lot There awaits a brighter day To all, to all who weary not!If the way be one of sorrow, Weary not! Happier will be the morrow, Weary not!Here we suffer tribulation,Here we must endure temptation, But there'll come a great salvation--Weary not!If misfortune overtake us, Weary not!Jesus never will forsake us, Weary not!He will leave us never, never,From His lover there's naught can sever.Glory to the Lamb forever ! Weary not!

Their meetings were taught from the scriptures only as they had no manuals only their Scriptures. In this meeting he made a prophetic announcement as he spoke,"If you will remain true and faithful to the commandments of God, every blessing any member of the Church enjoys in any other country will be yours." Later that evening in his hotel room he began to realise the full impact of the promise he made. He said he dropped to his knees and began to pray,"Father, I am on Thy errand this is Thy Church. I have spoken words that came not from me, but from Thee and Thy Son. Wilt #Thou, therefore, fulfill the promise in the lives of these noble people." The coming to his mind came these words. "Be still, and know that I am God." from Psalm 46:10. What a great blessing that Pres. Monson kept a detailed journal which recorded all the important feelings and inspiration he had. I think that is a great example to all of us.

I will not let this letter be any longer other than to bear my testimony, This is the work of our Heavenly Father and it is amazing to feel and see his hand at work though His servants. We are just here to aid in that wonderful work. The promise is we will be given guidance and direction as we serve. !!!

love ya Arlaine

1 comment:

Arlaine said...

You and Doug are doing wonderful things for the Lord. We love you and miss you!

Kim, James, Nick, Abby, Luke