Dear Family and Friends
It has been another eventful day as we have planned for our Family Home Evening here in Chemnitz.
We recently read Elder Bednar's talk on "Praying Always". We were impressed with the princilples he outlined as we learn to have more meaningful prayers. Principle #1 was couseling with the Lord in all our doings. I was particularly impressed with the "the patterns used by God in creating the earth.......we learn in Moses 3:4-5 that all things were created spiritually before they were naturally upon the earth" He goes on and says " that the spiritual creation preceded the temporal creation. In a similar way, meaningful morning prayer is an important element in the spiritual creation of each day----and precedes the temporal creation or the actual execution of the day...." there is more of course but we were both impressed with this enough to really thoughtfully in our prayers that morning seek guidence as we prayed to use that creative process. We prayed that the Spirit will guide us and will manifest to those who attend our Family Home Evening, and that the love of our Heavenly Father will be felt and that the Spirit of Christmas will be sweet and powerful.
Another note of interest, at least for my journal, is I awoke after having two nightmares. This seemed to affect me throughout the day and I found myself nervous and somewhat frustrated, unable to concentrate very well and feeling disoriented. We shopped and got things ready and finally as we reached the church I said "Doug please, I feel like I am having a nervous breakdown....give me a blessing." He laughed and reminded me of the many I have had and said just draw on one of those. I said I know you have given me many, but I need one now. He of course said alright. He gave me a beautiful blessing of comfort and the promise of peace and I immediately felt the calmness I so desired.
We then began the preparations for the night. Our plan was to have Elder Austin read from the Scriptures the story of the birth of Christ, bake cookies and make little goodie baskets to share as we went caroling to the houses near our church.
The cookies were baking and we were in the process of making our baskets and practicing our songs when one of the Young Single Adults became very ill. David, who we love and adore and who is known as the "ewige untersucher" or eternal investigator, (not a member) began with an allergic reaction from an almond that he had eaten at his sisters house just before coming. I walked into the room and looked at him lying on the couch and cried out "Oh my goodness he is blue. I called for Elder Austin to come quickly as he was in another room with another YSA. He went for the administration oil and called another YSA with the priesthood and they were ready to give a blessing. He was anointed and Elder Austin sealed with a blessing of peace that he would be able to breath and be comfortable until the ambulance arrived. and he would get the medical help he needed. Yes did I forget to mention another YSA called an ambulance.
As David lay on the couch it seemed as if he went unconscious as we tried to talk to him he did not respond. That is when the blessing was given and shortly after he revived, and was able to speak as the paramedics came.
Well Elder Austin and another YSA went to the hospital with David and I stayed to finish out the evening.
I called another YSA who is in the presidency and asked if he would take over the story of the Birth of Christ and sharing of his testimony. Of course he took charge and did a wonderful job. We then practiced our songs, had our prayers and finished our cookies and candy packets.
Just before we were to leave Elder Austin returned with the good news that David was fine and explained that by the time they left the hospital David was smiling and doing well. We sang a few more songs and went out to carol.. It was such an interesting experience as some would not answer the doors one person slammed the door others opened their windows and seemed to enjoy every minute. Others laughed and could feel the joy of the moment. One couple brought their little grandaughter with a miniture violin and she played with us It was delightful.........all in all a wonderful experience.
We had another treat that night as we had two young girls with us 10 and 11 years old. One was a sister of a YSA and her friend. They were the joy of the evening as they carried the Christmas goodies and ran from door to door ringing the bells and giving out the Christmas goodie baskets we had prepared. This young sister and her friend were not members. However they brought a sweet spirit of love with them and we all enjoyed having them with us. Back we finally went to the Church.....we then proceeded to clean up and the kids began making paper airplanes and flying them across the room.
What an adventure....a night to remember.... the music of the carols....the sweet story of the birth of Christ......the power of the priesthood in action......the joy of being together and sharing our love and concern for each other. Our creative prayers were truly answered in ways we did not even anticipate. In gratitude we thanked our Father for his blessing in our life and we did this though the name of his Son, Jesus Chirst.
The organization of this church is such a blessing to all of us. We have opportunities to serve and love each other with the blessing of the Spirit of God in our midst . We are about His work.....
May the blessings of this season be in your heart.
Love Sister Austin